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Find the data you need

Search the multi-organism collection of genome wide gene expression data obtained from publicly available sources like GEO, ArrayExpress, and SRA. The data has been processed uniformly and normalized using a set of standardized pipelines curated by the Childhood Cancer Data Lab (CCDL).

Create custom datasets

Build and download custom datasets tailored to your needs including gene expression matrices and sample metadata.

You can use datasets for preliminary assessment of biological signals and to accelerate validation of your research findings.

Differential Expression Analysis
Learn how you can do differential expression analysis with datasets.
Pathway Analysis
Learn how you can use data to identify pathways that are active in your biological condition of interest.
Use your data alongside data
We make our transcriptome indices and our reference distributions used for quantile normalization available to make your own data more comparable to data. Compendia compendia are collections of samples that have been processed and packaged for broad and felxible use.
Explore the docs
Learn about how we source and process data and other downstream analyses you can do with data.
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