Mammalian genomes contain numerous DNA elements with potential transcription regulatory function but unknown target genes. We used transgenic, gain-of-function mice with an ectopic copy of the beta-globin locus control region (LCR) to better understand how regulatory elements dynamically search the genome for target genes. We find that the LCR samples a restricted nuclear sub-volume in which it forms preferential contacts with genes controlled by shared transcription factors. One contacted gene, betah1, located on another chromosome, is upregulated, providing genetic demonstration that mammalian enhancers can function between chromosomes. Upregulation is not pan-cellular but confined to selected jackpot cells significantly enriched for inter-chromosomal LCR-betah1 interactions. This implies that long-range DNA contacts are relatively stable and cell-specific and, when functional, cause variegated expression. We refer to this as spatial effect variegation (SEV). The data provide a dynamic and mechanistic framework for enhancer action, important for assigning function to the one- and three-dimensional structure of DNA.