Normal brain function critically depends on the interaction between highly specialized neurons that operate within anatomically and functionally distinct brain regions. The fidelity of neuronal specification is contingent upon the robustness of the transcriptional program that supports the neuron type-specific patterns of gene expression. Changes in neuron type-specific gene expression are commonly associated with neurodegenerative disorders including Huntingtons and Alzheimers disease. The neuronal specification is driven by gene expression programs that are established during early stages of neuronal development and remain in place in the adult brain. Here we show that the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), which supports neuron specification during early differentiation, contributes to the suppression of the transcription program that can be detrimental for the adult neuron function. We show that PRC2 deficiency in adult striatal neurons and in cerebellar Purkinje cells impairs the maintenance of neuron-type specific gene expression. The deficiency in PRC2 has a direct impact on a selected group of genes that is dominated by self-regulating transcription factors normally suppressed in these neurons. The age-dependent progressive transcriptional changes in PRC2-deficient neurons are associated with impaired neuronal function and survival and lead to the development of fatal neurodegenerative disorders in mice.